A journey of taste: Kachnar bud is pickled a lot, its properties are destroyer of tridoshas, ​​history is interesting

A journey of taste: Kachnar bud is pickled a lot, its properties are destroyer of tridoshas, ​​history is interesting


Kachnar’s bud is considered very beneficial for the body.
The decoction of Kachnar bud is also beneficial in blood disorders.

Swad Ka Safarnama: We all will know about the Kachnar tree. It is also very well recognized in rural areas. People of urban areas are also aware of this. In fact, there is a tradition of planting Kachnar trees in city parks or roadsides. The vegetable of its buds is very tasty and its pickle is also considered very good. Nowadays it is common to find Kachnar buds in the super market. Its specialty is that the consumption of Kachnar prevents the Tridosha of the body, as well as eliminates the toxicity produced in the body. This is thousands of years old tree and description of its characteristics is found in religious and Ayurveda texts of India.

Its flowers and bark also have wonderful properties.

You must have heard an old Hindi song, whose lyrics are- ‘Kachhi Kali Kachnar Ki, Kya Samjhegi Baatein Pyar Ki’. The meaning is that poets were also fascinated by Kachnar’s bud, because its color and form fascinates, fragrance also matters. It is considered a medicinal tree. The food of its bud is made, pickle is also made, and in some areas greens of its leaves are also eaten. The confluence of minced mutton with Kachnar’s bud gives a different colour, fragrance and taste. Its bark is also used to fight against diseases. At present, we are remembering Kachnar in the form of food. Actually it is an orchid tree and it does not bear any fruit. But its trees bear different types of flowers apart from bud, whose color is white, pink-purple and yellow. These flowers are also medicinal and a faint fragrance comes from them.

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There is a description in the religious, Ayurveda and literary texts of India

The origin of Kachnar is believed to be in South Asia including India. There is a detailed description of Kachnar in the texts related to religious, literature and Ayurveda of India. In Puranic texts written thousands of years ago, white flowers of Kachnar have been asked to worship Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge. Kachnar has been called ‘Kovidar’ in the Ayurveda book ‘Charaksamhita’ written in the seventh-eighth century BC. Information has been given in the book that its consumption is especially beneficial in blood bile. In other Ayurvedic texts ‘Sushrutsamhita’ and ‘Nighantu’, Kachnar has been described as beneficial for the body and it has been said that the decoction of its leaves protects the kidney and liver and cures fever.

The plant is sacred to Hindus and is worshiped during the Dussehra festival. Image-Canva

The special thing is that the Scottish physician and botanist George Watt (1885) did research on the plants and flora of India. He has given information in volume four of the book titled ‘A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India’ (A Dictionary of the Economic Products of India: George Watt) that this plant is sacred to the Hindus and is worshiped during the Dussehra festival. Is. Hindus worship different deities with its white, red and yellow flowers. A lot of poems, ghazals and essays have also been written on Kachnar in Indian literature. Let’s read a lion to you. There is a playful gesture in the flowers of Kachnar. What a beautiful sight in the flowers of Kachnar..’

It has the ability to prevent poisoning

Kachnar’s bud is considered very beneficial for the body, so its leaves and roots are also no less beneficial. Indian Herbs. According to well-known Ayurveda expert Acharya Balkishan, who has done extensive research on fruits and vegetables, Kachnar has many medicinal properties. The use of Kachnar gives benefits in the treatment of many diseases. The decoction of the flowers and bark of kachanar is not only a destroyer of Tridosha, but it also prevents the toxicity produced in the body. I

Saka decoction is also beneficial in blood disorders, so in case of blisters, gargling gives immediate relief. If there are worms in the stomach, make a decoction of kachnar leaves and root and drink it. You will get immediate relief. Gulkand is also made from Kachnar’s buds. It is considered beneficial in constipation. In rural areas, a strong rope is also made from its bark.

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Has the ability to stop vat-pitta and phlegm

Vaidyaraj Dinanath Upadhyay, former dean of Mumbai University, believes that Kachnar tree has mythological and Ayurvedic importance in India. Therefore it is also special for the body. There is no doubt about the fact that the consumption of Kachnar not only reduces the toxicity of the body, it is the destroyer of Tridosha. In fact, if Vata-Pitta-Kapha is under control, then the digestion process will be fine and obesity will also stay away. Due to these characteristics, the outbreak of thyroid also reduces. Sufficient quantities of anti-diabetic and antihyperglycemic (inhibition of low blood glucose) components are found in Kachnar. They control the insulin system in the body, as well as reduce the rising blood sugar levels.


Consumption of Kachnar should be avoided if there is a problem related to liver or kidney. Image-Canva

Suppose that the consumption of Kachnar is also effective in diabetes. Compounds that activate stomach fire are found in Kachnar which stimulates digestive juices. Due to this there is no problem of indigestion and this quality protects the body from the problem of piles. In general, there are no side effects of using Kachnar. But people who have problems related to liver or kidney, they should avoid the use of Kachnar.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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